The Cherie Blair Foundation.

Their mission is to provide women with the skills, technology, networks and access to capital that they need to become small and growing business owners.

Our vision is a world where women have equal opportunities and the capability, confidence and capital necessary to establish and grow businesses, resulting in a brighter future for the women themselves and their communities as a whole.

Women who are financially independent have greater control over their own and their children’s lives. Economic security gives women a more influential voice in tackling injustice and discrimination in their communities and wider society.

Yet women entrepreneurs around the world still lack the business skills, technology, networks and access to capital they need to be successful in the long term. The Foundation provides support in these four key areas so that women can grow their businesses and create employment opportunities.

Working in partnership with organisations on the ground, the Foundation develops programmes that build confidence, capability and capital in women. Given that women tend to invest 90% of their income back into their families, investing in women isn’t just good ethics, its sound economics.

What would they do if they had a washing machine?

In the developing world laundry is the job of the women of the household, they spend hours washing clothes by hand, this TED TALK by Hans Rosling highlights what women could be doing if they didn’t have to wash clothes by hand.

In the developing world half the population is spending their time completing tasks that in the developed world machines do for us, so how are they meant to develop if half the population is just working day in day out to keep their families alive without moving forward and developing?

What could these women be achieving if they had access to the household machines that we do?